Friday, August 22, 2014

Today I am sitting in the waiting room waiting with my mom while my dad has surgery. He is having his right hip replaced. This will be his 5th surgery to try and put his body back together from all the abuse that it suffered from years working on the railroad and playing football. This made me stop and reflect on my own body. When I first started my journey, I thought taking care of my body only included eating healthier and exercising. Today made me realize that there is another piece of the puzzle. I started being an athlete at the age of 8 and never took time to take care of my body. There were numerous times that I should have iced my shoulder after pitching, but I didn't. I've done hundreds of runs and workouts without stretching before and after. What am I doing to my body? I don't want to be in constant pain as I get older because I was young and dumb, so I am determined to make a change. I WILL start stretching before and after workouts and I runs. I WILL NOT keep skipping the cool down part of the workout videos that I do. I am only given one body, and I need to make sure that I am doing everything in my power to take care of it. Remember that there are several pieces of the puzzle to take care of your body! If you leave on out, your puzzle will not be complete. What are you willing to change to ensure that you will be able to run and play with your grandchildren? What are you willing to change to not be another health statistic? What are you willing to change to be the one that breaks the cycle of bad health in your family? All it takes is the courage to get started and the strength to keep going. YOU can do all of these things if you want it bad enough. Is it going to be easy, NO? Is it going to be worth it, YES!! I am here to help in any way that I can; I know how important it is to have someone in your corner cheering you on!

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